Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Weeks Recap

SO i'm finally back into posting mode after my marvelous vacation! Though I would like to say... during my vacation I just so happened to break my glasses... SO tomorrow I'm on hunt for a new pair... or contacts... we will see!

Other than that things have been going pretty well for not being around for a few days... i'm glad nothing fell apart! ha.

SO today I worked until 8pm... but toward the evening I started to get a really bad feeling. As if something bad was going to happen. I called friends and family... everything seems to be going well there. But I have a feeling I should look toward the future and prepare... I really think there is going to be spiritual warfare... I pray that i'll be ready!

On the brighter side i'm reading a phenom book entitled "To Live is Christ" by Beth Moore. I've read a lot of her work and am excited to start in on this one. It's about the life of Paul who is one of my favorite apostles. I'm excited to delve deeper into his three missionary trips and I'm excited to look further into the life of the man who wrote such evangelistic letters such as Romans and Acts. So I pray that I will be able to implement what I learn from a man who had such a great heart for God's people and those who were seeking his kingdom.

I really wanted to recommend reading Christian literature. I really think i've grown so much from just reading other peoples journey's.

Here are some books i've really found to be AWESOME:

Velvet Elvis-ROB BELL
Blue like Jazz-DONALD MILLER

Here are a couple of business style books that i've also enjoyed reading:

Good to Great-JIM COLLINS
Launching a Leadership Revolution-CHRIS BRADY
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team-PATRICK LENCIONI
How Full is your Bucket-TOM RATH

OKAY so that's just a few of the books i've read lately... They're in no particular order... but I def. recommend them...

I hope everyone has a very very very HOPPY Easter!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


So in about twelve hours i'll be headed in a car with Sharon and Krys to the wonders of Mississippi. I'm excited but at the same time... I think going on vacation adds just as much stress as the normal day to day living. What if I forget something. Did I pack the right outfits!? What if the car breaks down? What if there is a serial killer loose at our hotel??? Well... Needless to say... I believe it'll be worth it... if anything i'll come back with a WHOLE bunch of pictures and new inside jokes that we can laugh about for the next ten years.

This will be my first official "spring break" trip. So hopefully nothing goes too terrible awry.

Keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This is how the japanese teach their kids to use the potty.

There are no words to explain how FUNNY this video is... I can't believe that they actually show this to little kids!!! If you are offended easily.. don't watch... okay... it's not actually that bad... but I did pee my pants a little!

Monday, March 10, 2008


It's official I'm on spring break!

Alicia, Krys and I (The blonde, brunette and the red head). Are going to Buloxi MS for our spring break... We leave on Friday... I"M SO READY TO GO! Wellp i'll be giving you more updates later!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Series of Unfortunate Events.


I thought i'd give you a little update about the wonders of living on your own... in a city... where you don't really know anyone within 20 minutes of your apartment building. ANYWAYS... to continue with my story....

this morning I got ready a little earlier than normal because it was really important to be at school on time at 10 am because it was presentation day in speech class. (not for me but we are required to be an audience). ANYWAYS. SO instead of leaving the usual time of 9am... I decided it be best because I suck at driving in the snow... I left at 8:30am. SO I go out to my car... start it up... start to defrost the windows... and I get out and scrape off the 7 inches of snow off my car... with of course a umbrella... which is my make shift of a window scraper thing. So 5 minutes go by I finish cleaning off enough snow to see out the windows in the important visible spots... I hop in the car ready to go... and I put it in gear... and it dies!! I'm like NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I look down and the gas light is on. I'm thinking... I had a half tank... what?! It then dawned on me... I live in a real shady neighborhood... thank you crip on the stop sign... Someone could have easily syphoned my gas out of my gas tank. SO I think to myself crap... my roomie has already left what am I to do??? So luckily my neighbor hadn't left yet so she ran me over to the QT and I bought one of those little red things that carries 1gal of gas and went outside and filled it up and went on home. Well if you've never used on of those gas things before... you definitely need a lesson... I could NOT get the little nozzle thing to attach to the red thing!!! I struggled for probably 20 min with my neighbor (who's also a girl) and COULD NOT get the stupid thing to attach... I finally called my father who rectified my mistakes and was able to finally pour the gas into the car. I resumed position behind the wheel and started to turn the key and you know what sound my car made??? I'll tell you... click.... click... click... click. You've GOT to be kidding me! yes... there was no noise... so my father goes... well it must be either your battery and/or alternator. Well good thing neither my neighbor nor I had jumper cables.. you know.

SOOO... the moral of the story is... I don't know. Buy a lock for your gas cap when you live in the city. and/or. Apparently God was saving me from some natural disaster that could've happened while I was on the road. either way... it was NOT meant for me to leave the house today. I guess i'll be working on some music and moving some boxes down to the basement.

I hope you enjoyed my long drawn out story. Pray that something terrible isn't wrong with my car!

P.S. this is going to make snow day #2

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Posting... again??

II must be crazy! haha... two posts in I believe 24hrs! haha. Well I just wanted to boast about my MAC... for those of you who have not experienced the fun of a MAC... YOU NEED TO! Theres an application known as Photobooth... where you can spend countless hours with friends taking the most absurd pictures.. its as addicting as facebook/youtube... and I would know... i'm addicted to both. SO if you haven't experienced the wide worlds of mac... you need to!

P.S. it's massively blizzarding here in STL. Which is awesome. (why? no school)

Have a great SNOW day... or for those of you not experiencing the cold... bah humbug.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Slowly But Surely

Soo.. i've been working on my album... well as much as I can.

It seems as soon as you set yourself to do something... You get super busy!! I feel like i've got 1000 things to do and no sleep to do it! I'm sure everyone knows what that's like!

Well I just wanted to update everyone on the advancements.... or lack there of.. haha.

I hope you guys have a great week and keep God first!