Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Weeks Recap

SO i'm finally back into posting mode after my marvelous vacation! Though I would like to say... during my vacation I just so happened to break my glasses... SO tomorrow I'm on hunt for a new pair... or contacts... we will see!

Other than that things have been going pretty well for not being around for a few days... i'm glad nothing fell apart! ha.

SO today I worked until 8pm... but toward the evening I started to get a really bad feeling. As if something bad was going to happen. I called friends and family... everything seems to be going well there. But I have a feeling I should look toward the future and prepare... I really think there is going to be spiritual warfare... I pray that i'll be ready!

On the brighter side i'm reading a phenom book entitled "To Live is Christ" by Beth Moore. I've read a lot of her work and am excited to start in on this one. It's about the life of Paul who is one of my favorite apostles. I'm excited to delve deeper into his three missionary trips and I'm excited to look further into the life of the man who wrote such evangelistic letters such as Romans and Acts. So I pray that I will be able to implement what I learn from a man who had such a great heart for God's people and those who were seeking his kingdom.

I really wanted to recommend reading Christian literature. I really think i've grown so much from just reading other peoples journey's.

Here are some books i've really found to be AWESOME:

Velvet Elvis-ROB BELL
Blue like Jazz-DONALD MILLER

Here are a couple of business style books that i've also enjoyed reading:

Good to Great-JIM COLLINS
Launching a Leadership Revolution-CHRIS BRADY
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team-PATRICK LENCIONI
How Full is your Bucket-TOM RATH

OKAY so that's just a few of the books i've read lately... They're in no particular order... but I def. recommend them...

I hope everyone has a very very very HOPPY Easter!!

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